
About the IABC Consultants Shared Interest Group

Uniquely constructed to serve the needs of IABC’s consulting members, this shared interested group creates a place for consultants to develop business connections and alliances that will advance the careers of participants. And don’t forget the value that joint endeavor will bring to our clients. We operate in a safe and confidential space, and this group will serve as a trusted source for ideas and answers to participants’ pertinent questions (and any worries) in real-time. With the caliber of IABC’s global community, responses and conversations will be thoughtful, wide-ranging and inevitably supportive.

Upcoming Events/Conversations

Counter Resistance, Catalyze Change & Cultivate Healthy Environments with Compassion in Professional Communications.

Register to join our meet-up on 25 July 2024 at 11 a.m. CT with Arlene Amitirigala.

The human experience is defined by change. People, organizations and the communities they serve are always evolving. Communicators drive major transformation in organizations and often find resistance. This high-level talk by global communications strategist and IABC/Toronto member Arlene Amitirigala will engage communication professionals in exploring the role of compassion in supporting individuals, teams and leaders undergoing change.

Arlene Amitirigala, founder and chielf communication strategist of TrulyArlene Communications, has expertise in internal communications, behaviour change, employee engagement and building a culture of inclusive leadership. Her career journey spans several senior roles in marketing and communication in the private and public sector. Arlene he has worked in various industries including tourism, investment banking and manufacturing.


About Our Consultants SIG Leaders

Sharon Aschaiek

Sharon Aschaiek leads Higher Ed Communications, which provides communication advising, writing, editing and project management services to universities and colleges. In business since 2004, she helps higher education institutions conceptualize and develop content for diverse writing projects. Sharon also writes about higher education issues, trends and innovations for media publications.

Sharon is passionate about creating opportunities for communicators to advance in their careers and strengthening the communications profession. Having first joined IABC’s Toronto chapter in 2004, she served on its board as vice-president of special interest groups for two years. She also served as chair of IABC/Toronto’s Professional Independent Communicators group for six years, where she led a team in planning and executing professional development and networking events.

Dominique Blain

Dominique Blain is the founder and creative lead of Bien dit, a bilingual boutique communications agency known for its practical and creative solutions. “Bien dit” is French for “Well said.”

A compulsive polymath, Dominique has diverse experience in fields from mathematics to Pilates and aviation to journalism, notably with the Globe and Mail and Montreal Gazette. In communications, she is known as a forcing function for clarity, accuracy, and inclusivity. Previously focused on internal communications, social media, and editorial leadership for NGOs, tech startups, and global corporations, she now heads her Montreal-based agency. Bien dit collaborates with clients of all sizes, from startups to behemoths including Ubisoft studios and ServiceNow, providing strategic communication, creative content, SME coaching and more. Outside of work, Dominique finds life and comms lessons in her hobbies as an amateur painter and organic gardener.

For information about Shared Interest Groups, or if you are interested in starting a new SIG, please contact member_relations@iabc.com